About Jill Dempsey
Registered Nutritional Therapist, mNTOI
Bio – Jill Dempsey, Registered Nutritional Therapist, mNTOI
Jill is also an active Zest4Life Associate and Business Mentor for new Practitioners in Zest4Life. She is also a certified Personal Sports Nutrition Coach. She is the owner of New Vitality and specialises in Optimum Health especially for individuals who feel they have ‘lost their way’ over time.
A Word From Jill
I set up New Vitality – Nutrition, Health and Wellness Coaching to help achieve this, working from my New Vitality Clinic in Rathmichael, Dublin 18 or online. I often run Group programmes online each season.
Helping Clients
Sadly, I have experienced the depths of despair but I do know and I do believe that it is possible, given time and support, to restructure your life again and carry on whilst managing the greatest pain of all in your heart.
I am passionate about helping others to do the same no matter how ‘stuck’ they feel right now or for whatever reasons which have lead them to this challenging place in their life. If I can do it, I know I can help my clients to do it!